Monday, February 12, 2024


johnny optimism, medical, humor, sick, jokes, boy, wheelchair, doctors, hospital, stilton jarlsberg, maple syrup, urine, waffle, medical book

Educational note: "Maple Syrup Urine Disease" is a real condition. Knowing that may not make the cartoon better, but it at least makes it less baffling.


M. Mitchell Marmel said...

"Waffle House Stomp". 'Nuff said.

Oldarmourer said...

Can't be called 'Aunt Jemima Syndrome' anymore ;)
Up here that's normal for spring when the sap's runnin', unlike the fall down there when the saps are runnin'

Kent Whitehead said...

{ insert obligatory Leggo my Eggo pun here }

Kent Whitehead said...

Obviously the result of too much flapjackin'

TrickyRicky said...

Just don't send your short stack back for more syrup. We all know what happens when you send a steak back to the kitchen......

Stilton Jarlsberg said...

@M. Mitchell Marmel- I think it might be a good business model if more Waffle Houses were near emergency rooms.

@Oldarmourer- And the name "Mrs. Butterworth Syndrome" has already been used for weeping boils.

@Kent Whitehead- Spoken like a true Eggo-maniac. As far as flapjackin' goes, it's likely to get you thrown out of Dennys pretty fast.

@TrickyRicky- Kitchen plaque: "It's Well Done When Your Spit Sizzles."

JustaJeepGuy said...

I so love watching the MSUD telethon every year! Jerry Lewis helps so many kids out!