Friday, April 19, 2024


johnny optimism, medical, humor, sick, jokes, boy, wheelchair, doctors, hospital, stilton jarlsberg, football, go long, go wrong, Asian

Oh, as if I wasn't already canceled. 


Anonymous said...

Made me spew my coffee!

Oldarmourer said...

expect a visit from csis any time now, chicoms are a protected species up long as they keep paying.

Bruce Bleu said...

Years ago, when anecdotal observations were still "lawful", a friend told me about a concert he saw, performed by the "Japanese Brothers", covering Beatles songs. He was particularly struck by their rendition of "Prease Prease Me" He told me their reproduction of various numbers was very good, except for the stereotypical inability to articulate "L's" and "R's" accurately. He told me the experience was "absorutery hiralious" and would have been equally funny if performed by a Texan if the accent contained a similar quirkiness. Would that make us "speechists" in today's insane PC world? I don't care... funny is STILL funny to my ears. It doesn't require Mongol facial features for something to sound funny to us.

TrickyRicky said...

Go wrong, go wrong!! Frod the zone!!

JustaJeepGuy said...

Johnny's thinking, "Go wrong? I'm in a wheelchair for cryin' out loud! How much more wrong CAN I go?"

Kent Whitehead said...

Who does this guy think he is, Doug Frutey?

M. Mitchell Marmel said...

...two Wongs don't make a white! ;D

DougM said...

Wascawy wabbit is still allowed, wight? I mean, right?

Oldarmourer said...

@ Bruce Bleu
