Monday, May 20, 2024


johnny optimism, medical, humor, sick, jokes, boy, wheelchair, doctors, hospital, stilton jarlsberg, urine specimen, urine sample, message in a bottle, urology


Gee M said...

He should have a specialist to explain his results to him...if a Nuclear Scientist sent me a formula for anything, I would have a chance at understanding it...not so my "test results", they are completely incomprehensible. I get "you aren't dying yet, probably." This must be so or they'd schedule me for multiple outside specialist tests; must feed the beast. In a short matter of months, that is.

( I just had to "solve" 6 captchas to post this; I'll miss this site; why captchas? I hate being made to prove I'm not a complete moron, over and over.)

TrickyRicky said...

Yellow urinalism?

JustaJeepGuy said...

I can imagine that a urine sample from Johnny could be truly mysterious. I can also imagine that whoever is reading his sample is incompetent enough that any sample is a mystery.

@Gee M, I have had to do the 6-try captcha thing (sometimes more!) in the past too. It's awfully annoying, for sure!

Stilton Jarlsberg said...

@Gee M- I'm sorry for that. The "captcha" is TURNED OFF (and has been for months) so I don't know why the hell it's still there annoying people. As you say, there's no reason for there to be captchas here!

@TrickRicky- I believe that pun was the piss de resistance!

@JustaJeepGuy- I'm put in mind of a time when my father tried a friend's homemade wine, smacked his lips thoughtfully, then said "your horse has diabetes."

M. Mitchell Marmel said...

Fan mail from a flounder?