Wednesday, July 24, 2024


stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, Death, distracted driving, scythe, Bloomington

This cartoon is based on a very scary near-miss that happened just a few days ago. My twin brother was in a serious accident caused by a woman (in a giant SUV, of course) running a stop sign at high speed and magically appearing a few feet in front of his car on a through street. We suspect, but don't know yet, that she was distracted by her phone. You know, like an effing moron.

My brother's car was totaled but he's recovering well and has no broken bones. He may be messed up for awhile, but he's lucky to be aline.


JustaJeepGuy said...

Is there anyone alive who couldn't see this kind of thing happening when phones got screens? When I read the news that people would be able to send texts, I knew it was only a matter of time before fatalities started occurring, and it took just a couple months for some kid driving a pickup truck to run into the back of a school bus and kill some kids. Even "hands-free" isn't safe.

@Stilt, I hope your brother recovers fully and quickly.

Dan said...

My best to your brother. May he heal completely.
My best to you, too, Stilt.

Oldarmourer said...

Talking on a phone is bad enough but texting and driving should have the same penalty as drunk driving because you're just as impaired if not more.
Mind you, I've seen some pretty dangerous stuff over the years, the worst I remember was about 35 years ago driving on the beltway around Wash, DC...I saw people writing on notepads propped up on their steering wheels, shaving...with a blade !!, using a laptop, putting on makeup, one guy was eating a bowl of cereal, but I just had to slow down once to watch a woman put a pair of pantyhose on at 60mph...and we were going out of the city in the morning so there was less traffic...I'd imagine truckers get better views of the inanity and I'm just glad my half hour commute in to work here for 25 years was usually done at 0dark30 with almost zero traffic on the highway :)

Oldarmourer said...

The dems had no choice but to abort bye-then, he was almost full term...

TrickyRicky said...

Speaking to the choir, boys. The day does not go by when I see don't see people driving and having a tough time staying in their lane. They drift 3-4 feet onto the shoulder, then back through the lane and into the left lane. Utterly oblivious to their surroundings and any other traffic. Invariably they are staring at a damn phone. And per Oldarmourer, studies have shown that these morons are as impaired as those with BAC of 0.2%. The penalties for this kind of driving should be extreme. Terrifying for pedestrians and bike riders!

Anonymous said...

Did the police or his lawyer subpoena the phone and records?
That should be standard if distracted driving is even slightly suspected.


Stilton Jarlsberg said...

@Readers- Thanks for the kind words about my brother. He's doing well but has aches and pains. Plus it takes a couple of weeks for your body to reveal all the damage that might be there. My brother's poor car as totaled; it was an older Prius in perfect condition. So he'll get some piddling Bluebook price even though you can't possible buy a similar car for that amount.

He's still looking into police reports and such, and has already retained a well-regarded accident law firm to try to get a fair settlement. The woman driving came close to killing him (about the same degree of closeness Donald Trump recently felt) so a "significant" settlement is called for.

He got a concussion, body aches from the airbag and seat belt, is having mental/memory problems, and will soom be starting physical therapy. But apart from that, Mrs. Lincoln, he's doing okay.

Thanks to all for the kind wishes!