Friday, March 19, 2021


 johnny optimism, medical, humor, sick, jokes, boy, wheelchair, doctors, hospital, stilton jarlsberg, lance, ladybug, surgery, veterinarian, tplo

This cartoon represents a little slice of life (no pun intended) for the Jarlsberg household today (Thursday). The vicious face-eating killer pitbull (codename: Ladybug) who helps guard our estate had to have significant corrective surgery for a knee-related problem, and so there was hand-wringing aplenty as we awaited word that the anesthesia and procedure had gone as intended. And it did!

Ladybug (who also answers to the names Bug, Bitty Bug, Bitter Bug, Bitters, Buglas, and Bugger) will now start an 8-12 week program of home rehabilitation and extreme pampering. 


DougM said...

Cone of shame not needed if she's wearin' a covid mask

Bobo said...

My mini-Poodle and Bichon (Murder & Mayhem) send Ladybug their best wishes.

Anonymous said...

Best wishes on a speedy recovery.

Stan da Man said...

What was that?
>Bugger, the dog...
Ok, back in a minute...

Seriousy, glad she pulled through fine! And how's Daughter J holding up?

Stilton Jarlsberg said...

@Readers- Thanks for the good wishes. Dogs and their humans are all doing fine!