Monday, August 14, 2023


johnny optimism, medical, humor, sick, jokes, boy, wheelchair, doctors, hospital, stilton jarlsberg, cotard delusion, dead, Descartes, medical book


JustaJeepGuy said...

Rene Descartes was a drunken fart.

DougM said...

you think you don't exist, therefore you are?
Yeah, okay, I'll buy the delusion diagnosis.

Bobo the Hobo said...

Sooooo, a lot of Liberals or Democrats (but I repeat myself) have Cotard Delusion?

Anonymous said...

I think we're putting Descartes before the hearse here.

Kent Whitehead said...

I think we're putting Descartes before the hearse here.

Kent Whitehead said...

I think we're putting Descartes before the hearse here.

TrickyRicky said...

Sorry, I can't comment today because I feel like I don't exist today. Maybe it was the two margaritas with Mexican dinner last night....

Oldarmourer said...

I tried that at tax time but it didn't work, then they wanted an additional 'estate tax'

Drew458 said...

Retard, cotard, tritard?

If I think I'm dead, it's cotard. If I think you're dead, it's what? ( this does not apply to Hillary, that's just the future tense of the phrase, or predictive planning )