Friday, September 15, 2023


johnny optimism, medical, humor, sick, jokes, boy, wheelchair, doctors, hospital, stilton jarlsberg, epilepsy, hula-hoop, seizure


Bobo the Hobo said...

That one took me a couple of times to get it. You are the master of subtlety, Stilt! Bravo!

Drew458 said...

I'm no expert on epilepsy, but I'm aware of blackouts or memory loss from the episodes. And the random pulsating motion of hooping could be similar enough to the strobing lights that can kick off a fit. So maybe that's it.

She's hot, he's transfixed, being around her hits him ... a whole lot of shakin' going on, on both sides. Afterwards, he can't remember. But he probably wants to seizure. Um, seize her I meant. :-)

JustaJeepGuy said...

I hope Pepe's friends will keep the new girl away from him. It's hard for me to look at her and I'm not epileptic!

Stilton Jarlsberg said...

@Bobo the Hobo- I like gags that take a moment to "click" in the brain. Glad you enjoyed it!

@Drew458- I'm no expert on epilepsy either, but I know a lot more about it than I wish. I once made a mild epilepsy joke in front of someone who scolded me for my insensitivity and I responded that both my wife and daughter had epilepsy and so I'd paid my dues and could joke if I wanted.

@JustaJeepGuy- I love her look and at the point I added all the silly sound effects she became genuinely dizzying!

Anonymous said...

I knew a woman with epilepsy once, we were out with her and her husband and I ended up on the dance floor with her when the DJ turned a strobe light on. Before anyone could say anything, she just danced over, took off the vest she was wearing over her blouse and dropped it over the light then continued on as if nothing had happened.

Oldarmourer said...

Really hating this comment board, the 'I am not a robot' bit is useless now that robots can lie.

Stilton Jarlsberg said...

@Anonymous- Good for her!

@Oldarmourer- I've tried turning off that security stuff but apparently I can't. Sorry!